Sophomore slump.

I woke up trying to remember where I bought my groceries during my sophomore year of college…

all I remember eating is microwave ramen from a plastic blue bowl, cereal and whatever serotonin releasing substances my friends and I could get our hands on. These days the grocery store is one of my favorite places. I have my favorite stores to choose from - depending on if I want to walk or drive. Sometimes I teleport into the past to each store I grew to love depending on the city I was in.

HEB, Hy-Vee, Smiths, Willy St Co-Op, Sprouts, Ralph’s, Sentry. I can recall each aisle’s smell, when the stock boys would be out, and the times of day to go to avoid lines. Of course Trader Joe’s has been universal in every city. Arriving at a TJ’s to a familiar cramped parking lot and potted plants at the entryway certainly is a blessing among the changing landscapes. Outside of my sophomore year, I can recall the bus or bike route I would take to get to each store, the weight of the bags I would haul home, the streets I had to cross to get to and from.

But that damn sophomore year… I truly can’t recall how or where I would go for sustenance. Maybe it was the late nights and glow sticks that cloud my memory, or perhaps it was because I skipped weeks of class to watch LOST on Netflix DVD, back when waiting was half the fun.

I tell myself I was going to fail art history anyways.

I guess that is apart of getting older - not remembering how you possibly survived your fourth semester of college and getting your boost of serotonin when you come to find your favorite produce is on sale. It’s also fair to say that today the internet-ordered & hand delivered party favors arrive in fancy containers with fentanyl testers - and wind up joining all the other unused pills, cigs and baggies found in the morning - leftover and forgotten by friends from the night before. I guess I’m also not surviving on cheap carbs and sugar anymore and my alone time isn’t spent wondering what it is I’m missing out on.

My cupboards are always full and the walk to the nearest grocery store reminds me of how lucky I am for that.




shapeless meaning.